General Education

General Education is the core of every student’s educational experience at SNU. As a Christian, liberal arts university, SNU expects its students to engage broadly in learning the knowledge and skills fundamental to be Christian person and leader in the communities in which they live in and work in the twenty-first century. 

The General Education program provides students with the opportunity to take approximately 57 credit hours of courses that teach and reinforce critical thinking and problem solving skills, the ability to communicate effectively, and appreciation of human creativity, science and technology, and modern world.  Central to the mission of the university, students will engage in  transformational learning experiences designed to explore what it means to seek truth together within a Christ-centered community of scholars.

To find our more about SNU’s General Education program contact Dr. Heather Clemmer, our Director of General Education (

General Education
  • Gen Ed Learning Outcomes

    Goals of the General Education Program

    Upon successfully completing their core educational requirements, students will have had an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills of a liberally educated person. At SNU, we believe that to be liberally educated, a person must be more than merely a competent specialist in a narrow field of knowledge,but should be conversant in subjects that explore a wide range of human experiences. To be liberally educated, a person must be able to study all fields of knowledge openly and honestly recognizing that every field of knowledge is inextricably related to others and that, only when integrated, approach the whole truth. A person educated in a Christian context appreciates that proper study of God, the underlying principles of our world/universe, and humanity’s search for truth and meaning made manifest in the revelation of God through Christ. We believe that, at a minimum, SNU graduates

    …explain  and/or  analyze  a  problem  based  upon  evidence supported by the discipline in order to develop an appropriate conclusion that can be reflected upon and evaluated. (Critical Thinking and Problem Solving)

    …explain and contextualize social responsibility through integration of knowledge, interpretation, and application of diverse perspectives. (Social  Responsibility)

    …obtain and synthesize appropriate evidence to construct thoughtful and coherent exchanges of information that are expressed and/or presented utilizing sound rhetorical and visual processes. (Effective Communication)

    …create a description and contextual analysis of an artistic artifact using tools of the discipline in order to interpret the meaning of the artifact and evaluate its expression. (Artistic Expression)

    …can evaluate developments in science, technology and health on the basis of elementary principles, good scientific practices, and the proper interpretation of mathematical models and statistics. (Science and Technology)

    …identify global differences and analyze them based upon discipline-specific criteria, various research methodologies, and differing worldviews to explain multiple cultural perspectives. (Global Perspectives)

    …Can articulate how a Christian perspective creates and deepens meaning in cultural, personal, social, and aesthetic issues; can evaluate moral and ethical choices in light of sound interpretations of Christian scriptures based on the best available methods, Christian traditions, and the Wesleyan theological perspective; and can operationalize that analysis through active stewardship and service. (Christian Scriptures and Traditions)

    To these ends, the faculty and students at SNU commit themselves to creating a learning environment that encourages and nurtures curiosity and is characterized by rigorous intellectual standards; a methodology requiring understanding prior to judgment; the freedom to study all fields of human knowledge and behavior critically, openly, and honestly; and the practice of civil discourse that demonstrates respect for all those involved in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom (i.e., faculty, students, and subjects).

  • General Education Transfer Course Equivalency

    Specific course equivalencies for some SNU General Education course requirements have been identified among common transfer courses from other Oklahoma institutions. Students may substitute one of the specified courses without having to fill out a substitution request form. For further details, contact the SNU Registrar’s Office (405-491-6386).

    The SNU General Education Transfer Course Equivalency page has been created with Adobe Acrobat. In order to read the handbook, you must have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, click on this link and download it free.

    SNU General Education Transfer Equivalencies among common transfer courses from Oklahoma institutionsThese pages will refer you to the Oklahoma Higher Education Course Equivalencies for 1999-2000. As of spring 2000, SNU will recognize the course equivalencies listed below for the specified SNU General Education requirements. This list may also be accessed through the Univisor “Resources” tab on the option bar at the top of your personalized Univisor page.

    This information is intended for present SNU students whose future plan of study may include an Oklahoma transfer course. You do not have to fill out a substitution request form to substitute one of the specified Oklahoma courses for a course in the SNU General Education requirements.

    [If you are planning to transfer coursework from Texas college or university, it may be helpful to consult Texas Common Course Numbering System Transfer Guides for related course lists. However, SNU does not yet automatically recognize these Texas equivalencies, so you are advised to petition in advance for approval of Texas transfer work.]

    Click here for the main page of the Oklahoma Course Equivalency Project.

  • Honors Program

    Southern Nazarene Honors prepares gifted scholars to serve the world around them. Our program is designed to stimulate creative, interdisciplinary analysis, facilitate student-faculty mentorship, and enable high quality undergraduate research that will carry the student beyond graduation. By requiring participation in service-learning and cross-cultural experiences, we teach motivated students to lead by example. By encouraging excellence in scholarship and creative analysis, we create life-learners who will use their intellectual gifts to enrich the professional, social, and religious communities in which they live, beginning with the campus community at SNU. Honors Program students not only lead the larger community of students around them but nurture a community that values scholarship and service. The goal of Southern Nazarene Honors is to challenge students to challenge themselves, to strive without ceasing to be the best witnesses of true and godly scholarship that they can be.

    The benefits of completing a degree through Southern Nazarene Honors are manifold:

    The Tangible

    • Honors Scholarship covering over-the-block tuition up to 20 hours
    • Special Freshman Year Experience courses
    • Fewer General Education hours required in Honors track
    • Access to Honors Lounge in the Library
    • Early enrollment for classes after matriculation
    • Extended network printing privileges

    The Intangible

    • Personal mentoring relationships with excellent faculty
    • Membership in a community of diverse but motivated and gifted learners
    • Research opportunities guided by students’ own interests
    • Scholarship and grant assistance for academically excellent work
    • Enhanced preparation and advising for post-degree professional and graduate school experiences
    • Increased opportunities for cross-cultural experience and international travel
    • Formative, integrative, and longer-term service-learning experiences to learn the needs of the world around us
    • The self-knowledge that comes from having actively applied oneself and surpassed one’s own believed limitations

    Early Application Deadline: January 1 

    • Submit your application before January 1 and enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card!

    Who Can Apply

    •  Non-provisional, incoming SNU freshmen
    • Current SNU freshmen in good academic standing

    Criteria for Admission

    • 25 or higher ACT/ 1100 or higher SAT (Math + Verbal)
    • Top 10% of high school graduating class preferred
    • Credit or waive-status for Comp I completed/received student’s fall semester freshman year (this can be met by concurrent enrollment, AP or CLEP testing, or simply scoring 25+ on the English portion of ACT)

    Honors Program Application 

    The Honors Program application includes

    • Honors Online Application Form
    • Honors Program Admission Essay (if applicable):
      • If you have less than a 25 ACT/1100 SAT score, you must complete this short essay to be admitted into the Honors Program.

    How Applications Are Evaluated 

    Each application is evaluated individually. Applicants meeting all criteria with positive recommendations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. When we reach the maximum number of students (22), applicants will be added to a wait-list.

    For more information, please contact

  • Academic Research

    Research in Learning

    Students at Southern Nazarene University have many opportunities to be actively involved in research opportunities as a part of an enriched academic experience and pursuit of knowledge in the chosen fields of study. Our faculty often work together with students in a mentoring relationship to explore together what they may discover through research. Although primarily a teaching university, SNU is committed to including research as a part of the experiential learning involved in excellent academic pursuit.

    Research Safety and Compliance

    Federal compliance requires that any research conducted using human subjects must be approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to ensure safety and ethical practice of the research. The SNU IRB is made up of SNU faculty and community representatives who are very qualified to determine the appropriateness of research conducted through SNU on human subjects.

    Research for Grants

    Research for grants are also a part of SNU research endeavors. Several of our university programs are funded by private and government grants which require a presentation of sound, statistical data obtained through extensive research.


    Students at SNU interested in research to further their knowledge of their chosen field of study are provided excellent opportunities for academic research throughout their academic career at SNU. The links below are directed to information about research in which SNU students have participated. The information herein represents a sampling of research opportunities open to SNU students. More information about student research opportunities can be obtained by contacting the various academic departments/schools.

    Honors Program Undergraduate Research Symposiums

  • Freshmen Learning Communities

    At SNU, we believe that the best learning happens when students, faculty and staff work together in community. We also believe that high school only partially prepares you to succeed in college. That has a lot to do with a new and different set of expectations of college life and work. Students across the US struggle to make that transition. We want you to make a successful transition to college. To help you do that, we have designed an approach called Learning Communities.

    As an incoming SNU freshman, you are expected to enroll in one paired course learning community in your first semester. This means that you will enroll in two linked classes with a group of other freshmen like you and you will see the same classmates 5 days a week all semester. Class sizes are kept small, averaging between 20 and 35 students, to create a familiar atmosphere. By being in the same two classes with the same small group of students, you will find a natural group of friends with which to study. You’ll support one another to become highly effective, successful college students in your first semester, which will set you up to successfully graduate four years from now.

    You will meet your Learning Community professors at the same time you meet your fellow students – during our four day New Student Institute (NSI). The professors will serve as your Faculty Mentors, getting to know you in casual settings (including a visit to their home) before classes even begin! The faculty have chosen to participate in this program because it lays a solid foundation for greater levels of engagement and learning while here at SNU. The professors who teach these Learning Communities have worked together to design a learning experience that will help you connect with them and your peers, introduce you to the skills you need to learn effectively at a college level, and empower you to integrate the knowledge and skills you are learning in both courses to create something significant and meaningful.

    Finally, you’ll get to know a larger group of SNU faculty, staff, and students who believe that their success is measured by your success. During the semester, your Learning Community will have access to several workshops on transitional support led by Student Development Staff, get to meet the Library Director and Library Faculty during a session on Library and Research Literacy, and before the end of the term upper division students will lead a discussion on preparation for enrollment advising. The faculty, staff and students serving the Learning Communities will get to know you personally, help you identify and apply your God-given strengths, and help you develop into a highly effective member of our Christ-centered community of scholars.

    If you have any questions about SNU’s Learning Communities, please contact Dr. Dennis Williams, Dean of Teaching and Learning; Dr. Heather Clemmer, General Education Director, or Mrs. Misty Jaggers, Director of Student Success.

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